hpt package
hpt.binarize module
Module to binarize continuous-score predictions.
- hpt.binarize.compute_binary_predictions(y_true, y_pred_scores, threshold=None, tpr=None, fpr=None, ppr=None, random_seed=42)[source]
Discretizes the given score predictions into binary labels, according to the provided target metric for thresholding.
- Parameters:
y_true (np.ndarray) – The true binary labels
y_pred_scores (np.ndarray) – Predictions as a continuous score between 0 and 1
threshold (Optional[float], optional) – Whether to use a specified (global) threshold, by default None
tpr (Optional[float], optional) – Whether to target a specified TPR (true positive rate, or recall), by default None
fpr (Optional[float], optional) – Whether to target a specified FPR (false positive rate), by default None
ppr (Optional[float], optional) – Whether to target a specified PPR (positive prediction rate), by default None
- Returns:
The binarized predictions according to the specified target.
- Return type:
hpt.evaluation module
A set of functions to evaluate predictions on common performance and fairness metrics, possibly at a specified FPR or FNR target.
- hpt.evaluation.evaluate_fairness(y_true, y_pred, sensitive_attribute, return_groupwise_metrics=False)[source]
Evaluates fairness as the ratios between group-wise performance metrics.
- Parameters:
y_true (np.ndarray) – The true class labels.
y_pred (np.ndarray) – The discretized predictions.
sensitive_attribute (np.ndarray) – The sensitive attribute (protected group membership).
return_groupwise_metrics (Optional[bool], optional) – Whether to return group-wise performance metrics (bool: True) or only the ratios between these metrics (bool: False), by default False.
- Returns:
A dictionary with key-value pairs of (metric name, metric value).
- Return type:
- hpt.evaluation.evaluate_performance(y_true, y_pred)[source]
Evaluates the provided predictions on common performance metrics. NOTE: currently assumes labels and predictions are binary - should we extend it to multi-class labels?
- Parameters:
y_true (np.ndarray) – The true class labels.
y_pred (np.ndarray) – The discretized predictions.
- Returns:
A dictionary with key-value pairs of (metric name, metric value).
- Return type:
- hpt.evaluation.evaluate_predictions(y_true, y_pred_scores, sensitive_attribute=None, return_groupwise_metrics=False, **threshold_target)[source]
Evaluates the given predictions on both performance and fairness metrics (if sensitive_attribute is provided).
- Parameters:
y_true (np.ndarray) – The true labels.
y_pred_scores (np.ndarray) – The predicted scores.
sensitive_attribute (np.ndarray, optional) – The sensitive attribute - which protected group each sample belongs to. If not provided, will not compute fairness metrics.
return_groupwise_metrics (bool) – Whether to return groupwise performance metrics (requires providing sensitive_attribute).
- Returns:
A dictionary of (key, value) -> (metric_name, metric_value).
- Return type:
hpt.suggest module
Module to suggest and sample hyperparameters from distributions defined in a hyperparameter space.
- hpt.suggest.suggest_callable_hyperparams(trial, hyperparameter_space, param_prefix='learner')[source]
Suggests the top-level hyperparameters for a class instantiation, or for parameterizing any other callable.
This includes the classpath/importpath, and the conditional hyperparameters to use as kwargs for the class.
- Parameters:
trial (BaseTrial) – The trial object to interact with the hyperparameter sampler.
hyperparameter_space (dict) – A dictionary representing a hyperparameter space.
param_prefix (str) – The prefix to attach to all parameters’ names in order to uniquely identify them.
- Returns:
The suggested callable + its suggested key-word arguments.
- Return type:
- hpt.suggest.suggest_hyperparams(trial, hyperparameter_space, param_prefix='')[source]
Uses the provided hyperparameter space to suggest specific configurations using the given Trial object.
- Parameters:
trial (BaseTrial) – The trial object to interact with the hyperparameter sampler.
hyperparameter_space (dict) – A dictionary representing a hyperparameter space.
param_prefix (str) – The prefix to attach to all parameters’ names in order to uniquely identify them.
- Return type:
An instantiation of the given hyperparameter space.
- hpt.suggest.suggest_numerical_hyperparam(trial, config, param_id)[source]
Helper function to suggest a numerical hyperparameter.
- Parameters:
trial (BaseTrial) – The trial object to interact with the hyperparameter sampler.
config (dict) – The distribution to sample the parameter from.
param_id (str) – The parameter’s name.
- Return type:
The sampled value.
- hpt.suggest.suggest_random_hyperparams(hyperparameter_space, seed)[source]
Suggests a random set of hyperparameters from the given hyperparameter space.
NOTE: this is a deterministic function of the given seed number; the seed must itself be randomly drawn for each function call if you want to get a random sample of hyperparameter configurations.
- Parameters:
hyperparameter_space (Union[dict, str, Path]) – A dict or a path to a YAML file representing a hyperparameter space. If a path is provided, this function will load the hyperparameter space from the given path. Else, if a dict is provided, it will assume the hyperparameter space has already been loaded (this prevents unnecessarily re-loading the same file multiple times from disk.)
seed (int) – The random seed used to generate the random set of hyperparameters. This function is a deterministic function of the seed provided.
- Returns:
A set of hyperparameters that was randomly drawn from the given hyperparameter space.
- Return type:
hpt.thresholding_evaluation module
Deprecated since version 0.3: This submodule has been deprecated.
Set of util functions to generate group-wise thresholds that enforce some fairness criteria (or even just to maximize global performance).
- class hpt.thresholding_evaluation.ThresholdingEvaluation(y_true, s_true)[source]
- compute_global_accuracy(groupwise_fpr, groupwise_tpr)[source]
Computes global accuracy from groupwise FPR and TPR metrics.
- Parameters:
groupwise_fpr (dict) – A dictionary that maps a group to its FPR value.
groupwise_tpr (dict) – A dictionary that maps a group to its TPR value.
- Returns:
The value for global accuracy, between 0.0 and 1.0.
- Return type:
hpt.tuner module
A simple wrapper for optuna hyperparameter tuners.
- class hpt.tuner.ObjectiveFunction(X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, *, hyperparameter_space, eval_metric, s_train=None, s_val=None, X_test=None, y_test=None, s_test=None, other_eval_metric=None, alpha=0.5, eval_func=None, return_groupwise_metrics=False, **threshold_target)[source]
Callable objective function to be used with optuna.
- class TrialResults(id, hyperparameters, validation_results, test_results=None, train_results=None, model=None, fit_time=None, algorithm=None)[source]
= None
= None
= None
= None
= None
- property all_results
- property best_trial
- static instantiate_model(classpath, **hyperparams)[source]
Instantiates a model using the provided class path and provided hyperparameters.
- Parameters:
classpath (str) – The classpath for importing the model’s constructor/class.
hyperparams (dict) – A dictionary of hyperparameter values to use as key-word arguments.
- Returns:
The model object.
- Return type:
- property results